
Hands-On Infection Control is a boutique independent infection prevention and control consultancy, education and immunisation service providing advice and guidance to health and human service, education and training organisations throughout metropolitan, rural and remote Australia and beyond.

We can provide consultation within a wide range of areas including: community, residential and acute care; day hospitals/surgeries; medical, dental and other office-based practices performing skin penetration procedures; personal, rehabilitation, children and hospitality services; correctional facilities; corporate offices; cleaning and laundry contract companies; and volunteer and training organisations, to ensure adherence with current national, state and local standards, guidelines, codes of practice and legislation.

Our services include:

  • Development, implementation and evaluation of infection surveillance, prevention and control management systems
  • Supervision and coordination of established infection prevention and control programs
  • Provision of infection prevention locum cover for unfilled posts, maternity, sick or annual leave
  • Infection Control Committee or other relevant committee membership
  • Mentorship for infection control link/liaison persons or portfolio holders inclusive of education and training
  • Development and review of site-specific infection prevention and management policies, procedures and standards of practice
  • Orientation and inservice education and training of employees and volunteers
  • Development of competency-based infection control education programs; training tools and self-directed learning packages
  • Development of undergraduate and post graduate infection control curriculum
  • Support for outbreak or critical infection control incident management
  • Environmental risk assessments of premises
  • Hand hygiene compliance audits
  • Development of surveillance and outbreak investigation tools
  • Infection surveillance analysis
  • MMR, varicella, dTpa, influenza, hepatitis A and B employee immunisation programs
  • Train/oversee and assess students undertaking the WA Health Immunisation Certificate Course
  • Building construction and renovation advice
  • Face-to-face, telephone and email advice and guidance on potential and actual infection control and related issues
  • Special project consultation (e.g. accreditation, licensing/relicensing preparation)

Infection prevention and control service packages can be developed, implemented, maintained and evaluated.

Hands-On Infection Control Consultants and Advisors work closely with organisations to develop a individual system that suits your IPC requirements.

Packages include but not limited to:

  • Program system review
  • Environmental and work practices risk assessment
  • Comprehensive report(s)
  • Program management plan
  • IPC & AMS committee membership
  • Education and training
  • Infection control policy and procedure manual
  • Surveillance analysis
  • Worker immunisation
  • Advice and guidance

For further information on our individualised packages or to request a quotation contact us at

Hands-On Infection Control
Telephone: (08) 9227 1132
Facsimile: (08) 9227 1134
