Below are a number of useful infection control links.

Note: Hands-On Infection Control is not responsible for the content of any website accessed through these links

Professional Associations & Organisations

Accreditation and Government Agencies

Hand Hygiene


Antimicrobial awareness

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Waste Management

Standards and Guidelines

Guidelines for infection prevention and control (5th ed.).

Communicable disease guidelines for teachers, child care workers, local government authorities and medical practitioners.

Guidelines for the prevention and management of gastroenteritis outbreaks in residential care facilities (2nd ed.).

Standard Precautions. A Guide for Healthcare Workers

ACIPC Aged Care Community of Practice Resources

Communicable Disease Control Directorate guidelines: Insertion and management of peripheral intravenous cannulae in healthcare facilities

Insertion and management of peripheral intravenous cannulae in healthcare facilities policy

Australasian health facility guidelines.  Part D – Infection prevention and control

Guidelines for the screening and management of multi-resistant organisms in health care facilities.

Guidelines for the screening and management of MRSA in healthcare workers.

Australian guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in healthcare (2019)

Food standards code

Food safety standards

National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) Implementation guide.

Infection prevention and control in aged care Resources

National model clinical governance framework

Strengthened aged care quality standards

Australian guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in healthcare

Sharps injury protection – Requirements and test methods – Sharps containers

Reprocessing of reusable medical devices and other devices in health and non-health related facilities

Management of clinical and related wastes

Risk management – guidelines

Quality management systems – Requirements

 Mechanical ventilation in buildings

Therapeutic guidelines:  antibiotic

Government of WAs Guideline for hand hygiene in health-care settings

National Standard for User-Applied Labelling of Injectable Medicines, Fluids and Lines

Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities. Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)

Guidelines for the environmental health investigation of a food-borne outbreak.

Guidelines for the prevention and control of norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks in healthcare settings.

Guidelines for tuberculosis control in Western Australia.

Scabies control guidelines.

Infection:  Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in primary and community care:  Partial update of NICE clinical care guideline 2.

Mandatory tracheostomy equipment & emergency tracheostomy management clinical guideline.

Clinical practice guide.  Care of adult patients in acute care facilities with a tracheostomy.

Australian regulatory guidelines for medical devices (ARGMD).

Guidelines for using the micro-alert system in Western Australia Public Healthcare Facilities.

Australian National Guidelines. Healthcare workers living with blood borne viruses/Perform exposure prone procedures at risk of exposure to blood borne viruses.

CDCD guideline 0008.  Management of occupational exposure to blood or body fluids in healthcare settings.

Acts and Regulations

Other Essential Resources

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.  (2023).  Workforce immunisation risk matrix.

Infectious and related diseases notification form (CDC002430) – Metro.

Australasian College for Infection Infection Prevention and Control: Credentialling position statement

Infection prevention and control leads.  An update for providers

Infection prevention and control leads

Infectious diseases emergency management plan (IDEMP), WA health system.

Industry code of best practice for bed bug management (5th ed.).

Recommendations for the control of Carbapenem-producing enterobacterales.

Scabies:  Management in residential care facilities.

Principles for aseptic technique: Information for healthcare workers.

A clinician’s guide:  Caring for people with gastrostomy tubes and devices.  From pre-insertion to ongoing care and removal.

Hand hygiene in outpatient and home based care and long term care facilities.

Guide to cleaning and disinfecting equipment for the body art, beauty and nail industries.

Advice for the beauty therapy industry.

Skin penetration – Massage therapy environmental health guide.

Massage therapy code of practice.

Use of razors in the hairdressing industry.

Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control: Position statement. Single-use devices (2024).

ACIPC Position statement.  IPC considerations for planning and construction in healthcare settings.

National construction code (NCC) volume one – Building code of Australia (class 2 – 9).

National aged care design principles and guidelines.

Guidelines for Legionella control in the operation and maintenance of potable water distribution systems in health and aged care facilities.

AS 3666.2:2024 The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings, Part 2: Mechanical ventilation in buildings. 

Environmental cleaning standard operating procedure.

Code of practice.  Preparation of safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals.

Codes of practice for public healthcare operated laundries and linen services.

AS/NZS 4146:2000. Laundry practice.

ACIPC position statement:  Animals in healthcare facilities.

Vaccination for dogs and cats policy.

Animal contact guidelines.  Reducing the risk of illness associated with animal contact.

National code of practice for the control of work-related exposure to hepatitis and HIV (Blood-borne) viruses. [NOHSC:2010(2003].

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.  (2023).  Workforce immunisation risk matrix. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease – 2019 (COVID-19) infection prevention and control in Western Australian Healthcare Facilities.

Australian guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention and control of COVID-19 in health care workers.

Evidence based guidance

VICNISS Literature Reviews on COVID-19

PracticeUpdate COVID-19 resources & literature

Medscape Advances in Prevention and Management of COVID-19 Resources

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Easy Read resources

COVID-19 infection prevention and control risk management – Guidance

Aged and Community Care

Infection Prevention and Control Manual COVID-19 and other Acute Respiratory Infections for acute and non-acute healthcare settings.

National COVID-19 Health Management Plan for 2023 and National Statement of Expectations on COVID-19 Management in Aged Care Settings

Australian guidelines for the clinical care of people with COVID-19 (v.72.1, March 2023)

Infection prevention and control guidelines for Western Australian Residential Care Facilities.

COVID-19 Guide for Home Care Providers

LASA COVID-19 Support

Safe care for people with cognitive impairment during COVID-19

Factsheet – Oral treatments for COVID-19 in residential aged care (April 2023)

Inpatient Services and Day Hospitals

The COVID-19 CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health Units

COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control in Western Australian Hospitals

COVID-19: Elective surgery and infection prevention and control precautions

Personal Protective Equipment

FAQs on community use of face masks

Environmental Cleaning & Air filtration

Environmental Cleaning and Infection Prevention and Control

Communicable Disease Control Directorate (CDCD) Guideline – Use of Air Purifiers in WA Healthcare Facilities

University of Melbourne Guide to Air Cleaners

Vaccination information

Information for aged care providers and workers about COVID-19 vaccines

About the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

About the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine