Infection Prevention and Control for Aged Care eLearning Modules

Megan Reilly

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) has developed two eLearning modules to support infection prevention and control in aged care.

The Basics of infection prevention and control for aged care module provides a foundation in infection prevention and control for all aged care workers. The module can be used during induction or for refresher training.

The Infection prevention and control in aged care – training support resource is designed for registered nurses, infection prevention and control leads and others responsible for the delivery of infection prevention and control education in aged care services. The purpose of this module is to provide:

  • Definitions and key concepts for each core element of infection prevention and control
  • A framework for the development and delivery of a basic infection prevention and control education package
  • Learners with a foundation for training others in infection prevention and control.

Both modules were developed in conjunction with the New South Wales Clinical Excellence Commission and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

To enrol in either of these modules:
  1. Log in to the National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) Learning Management System (LMS)External link
  2. Select the tile labelled ‘Click here for Aged Care Modules’
  3. The catalogue of Infection prevention and control for aged care modules will load. Select the Enrol button next to the module you wish to undertake to begin your learning
  4. A module milestones page will load. Click the Start Module Now button when you are ready to start the module.

For more information go to Frequently asked questions (FAQs) – hand hygiene and infection prevention and control online modules.